Useful Teachings

I have learned and benefited from the teachings of many different ministries.  That does not mean that everything they say is true and accurate.  That does not mean I agree with every word they speak.  Each believer has a responsibility to test what they hear by scriptures and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.

Pete Cabrera Jr.’s youtube channel

Tom Fischer’s youtube channel

Large collection of teachings from JGLM’s iChurch:  mp3 archives

If you’re interested in healing a good starting point is known as the DHT (Divine Healing Technician) course from JGLM.  There is a strong emphasis on unraveling some of the traditions and teachings that are not biblical, but many hold as “sacred cows”.  As well as emphasis on what Jesus paid for and the authority that He has (and that we stand in as believers.)

DHT youtube link

I also highly recommend the “New Man” seminar by JGLM:

New Man youtube link

Andrew Wommack ministries has many good and free mp3 download teachings on a variety of subjects including healing.  (I especially recommend the Christian Survival kit).

Andrew Wommack’s Free Audio Teachings

Roger Sapp’s ministry has a number of great teachings.  Here are some youtube videos of a teaching he did in England:

Christ Centered Healing Ministry Introduction

Christ Centered Healing Ministry Seminar, Part 1

Christ Centered Healing Ministry Seminar, part 2

Christ Centered Healing Ministry Seminar, part 3

and here is a link which includes the same 4 video links as well as a few others addressing doubts about healing and other questions and answers.

The School of Power and Love has a free online series of videos:

free Power and Love school

Speakers include Todd White, Bob Hazlett, Dan Mohler and Tom Ruotolo.

You may find other teachings from these people to be very useful as well.